Synopsis Film Fist Fight (2017)
Indonesia : Pada hari terakhir sebelum liburan musim panas, guru SMA Andy Campbell mencoba yang terbaik untuk tetap bersama-sama di tengah pranks senior, disfungsional administrasi dan pemotongan anggaran yang mengancam pekerjaannya. Hal pergi dari buruk menjadi lebih buruk ketika ia melintasi Ron Strickland, sekolah guru terberat dan paling ditakuti. Ketika Strickland dipecat, dia menantang Campbell ke pertarungan setelah sekolah. Sebagai berita showdown menyebar seperti api, miskin Andy putus asa mencari jalan keluar dari kencannya dengan azab tertentu.
English : On the last day before summer vacation, high school teacher Andy Campbell tries his best to keep it together amid senior pranks, a dysfunctional administration and budget cuts that threaten his job. Things go from bad to worse when he crosses Ron Strickland, the school's toughest and most feared teacher. When Strickland gets fired, he challenges Campbell to a fight after school. As news of the showdown spreads like wildfire, poor Andy desperately seeks any way out of his date with certain doom.
Detail Info Film Fist Fight (2017)
- Genre Film : Comedy
- Tanggal Tayang : 17 February 2017
- Sutradara Film : Richie Keen
- Pemain Film : Ice Cube, Charlie Day, Tracy Morgan
- Negara Film : USA
- Bahasa : English
- Also Known As : Fist Fight
- Lokasi Syuting Film : Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- Produksi Film : New Line Cinema, Village Roadshow Pictures, 21 Laps Entertainment
- Rating : PG-13
- Durasi : 1h 31min
- IMDB Link :